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LJP 1082


LJP 1082 is a Toleragen that is designed to shut down the B cells that produce antibodies to ß2 GP1. LJP 1082 is undergoing trial for for the treatment of stroke, deep-vein thrombosis and other conditions associated with antibody-mediated thrombosis. Antibody-mediated thrombosis, also called antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), is a blood clotting disorder. Patients with high levels of anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) have an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, deep vein thrombosis, and recurrent fetal loss. The target of the LJP 1082's clot-promoting antibodies is a small region on a key blood protein called beta 2-glycoprotein I. To date, our scientists have shown that approximately 90% of patients studied with antibody-mediated thrombosis have antibodies that bind to this region.


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