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Your medical data, safe and secure.

About DoctorsConnect

Why DoctorsConnect

Waiting is the top negative experience that patients suffer, aside from being sick. With this service, waiting times are going to be significantly reduced.

Doctor's Connect enables better patient and doctor experience. It is a service where patients can set their appointments with their doctor or find a doctor and clinic, online. Doctors would benefit from this too by having a more structured schedule, getting new patients from those who will find them online, and better overall patient experience. Find doctors here too, for any medical consultation, we have a list of doctors where you can schedule an appointment.

The start

DoctorsConnected started on a meeting for would-be entrepeneurs at MUST in Cagayan de Oro City on November 24, 2014. Founders of DoctorsConnect are Jon Paolo Fortich and Guus Ellenkamp.

Jon Paolo Fortich
Jon Paolo Fortich

Guus Ellenkamp
Guus Ellenkamp

First formal agreement

The first formal agreement, a memorandum of strategic alliance, was signed on January 15, 2015, so that is the date that DoctorsConnect was really founded.

First team meeting

On March 4, 2015 there was a meeting with possible team members / investors leading to the first real investment in DoctorsConnect.


The formal launch of DoctorsConnect has been postponed.

Details about the formal launch to follow. Please note that as of March 17, 2015 the system is fully functional, so you can set your appointmens online with the doctors who signed up.


Since the start, DoctorsConnect has evolved from a doctor's appointment system to a full fledged application for doctors, including medical history and other patient information. If you are interested using the system please contact us.