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Cancer Vac




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Generic name:

Dendritic cell therapy

Generic info:

Dendritic Cell (DC) Therapy is a newly emerging and potent form of immune therapy that amplifies the actions of the body's own immune system to help fight cancer, AIDS and other serious conditions. The Dendritic Cell is an immune cell whose role is the recognition, processing and presentation of foreign antigens to the T-cells to initiate a primary response in the effector arm of the immune system. Dendritic cells not only activate lymphocytes to induce the immune response, but they also minimize autoimmune reactions by downplaying self-antigens to stimulated T-cells. Dendritic Cell Therapy involves the harvesting of blood cells (ie monocytes or macrophages) from a patient and processing them in the laboratory to produce a greater than typical Dendritic Cell concentration. These cells are then given back to a patient as a vaccine in order to allow for a potent immune response to cancer.



